Sri Lanka 2024 (Postponed 2022/2023)

Ticket Refund Form

Please read the following informations from your ticket.

Note: The ticket number is composed only of numbers and upper-case letters.

About you

Refund method

Opt-out if the refund cannot be done to the card or bank account that was used to buy the tickets
Fill the new bank account data

The request will be evaluated by one of our operators in the next few days. You will receive an answer, either positive or negative, on your email.
For security reasons the IP address of every applicant will be stored until the end of the event.
If the request is approved, the submitted ticket for Shankra Sri Lanka 2022 will be voided and the buyer will be refunded.
Warning: If accepted, the refund process is handled automatically through our payment provider. If the ticket you are submitting was bought by someone else (e.g. a friend or a relative), that person will be refunded, not you. If this is your case, please discuss the matter with the original buyer before submitting a refund request.
This principle also applies to tickets obtained via TicketSwap.
For security reasons, BeeTickets can't refund tickets manually.